Annie Flores • Angela Rodriguez Riemenschneider
Hon. Rosie Torres
Invite you to help bring about much needed change to Alameda County’s law enforcement
by participating in a fundraiser on behalf of their friend
Candidate for Alameda County Sheriff
Sunday, May 15, 2022
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
475 Crestmont • Oakland
(outdoor patio)
$10,000 • $5,000 • $2,500 • $1,000 • $500 • $250
$100 suggested minimum contribution
(no one turned away – join our broad-based coalition to win!)
To reply, please choose your level of participation and click through to purchase a ticket(s) or become a sponsor now.
IF you cannot join us, please click through here to make your donation now.
Or, send in your check made payable to
“Yesenia Sanchez for Alameda County 2022” to
4200 Park Blvd., #128, Oakland, CA 94602,
noting “Meeting Yesenia 5/15” in the memo.
As a rule County Sheriffs flew under the wire, though they wield a great deal of power and too frequently run unopposed. This year Alameda County voters have an option, and a very skilled and viable candidate to take on the Sheriff, and that is Yesenia Sanchez!
Yesenia is running for Alameda County Sheriff because she has the experience, knowledge and relationships to make the reforms needed to bring this agency in line with the values of our County. She has spent her career in the Agency working collaboratively with others, managing more than 600+ employees and overseeing a budget of $270 million. This experience has equipped her with the knowledge and skills to know how to best deploy resources to serve the community and prioritize transparency and accountability, which is what we need in law enforcement.
Questions? Please contact [email protected] or call 510-839-3100.
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